Advanced Email Sending with .NET Core and MailKit
I wrote previously about sending email in .NET Core with Office 365 and MailKit but, as that was just a getting started guide, I glossed over some of the complexities with email. »
I wrote previously about sending email in .NET Core with Office 365 and MailKit but, as that was just a getting started guide, I glossed over some of the complexities with email. »
You may have previously used SmtpClient to send email in .NET. However, that API is now obsolete and the current recommend method is to use the MailKit library. »
I picked up a Xiaomi Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) temperature and humidity sensor (model code LYWSDCGQ) for just under £11 with the aim of regulating the working environment in my office more efficiently. »
Rise up! Rise up! Take your head from your hands! The streets will be a better place when we start making demands. »