Latest Cleanweb Jobs Skill Statistics

I help run Cleanweb Jobs, a site that matches people to software jobs in the environment sector. The statistics of what skills candidates have compared to the skills employers are looking for are quite interesting.

These are the latest skill stats for employees. They haven’t changed too much from the previous set I posted on the Cleanweb Jobs Twitter, even though there are many more signups.

Cleanweb Jobs employee chart October 2016

The skills employers seek are a little different. Although keep in mind that this is a smaller sample than the candidates chart.

Cleanweb Jobs employer chart October 2016

The most obvious different is in design skills. The evidence appears to suggest that companies are looking for design skills and these are lacking in the market. I also know from anecdotal experience that if you are a designer who can code then you are in high demand. Perhaps a good skill to learn.

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