Climate Fixathon

The Climate Fixathon starts this Friday (it runs between the 2nd and 30th of August) and I’m excited to be one of the judges. »

Take the Train

Taking the train is a great way to travel. It’s more environmentally friendly, you get to see the countryside and you can be productive (I’m writing this on a train). »

Your Planet Needs You

It’s May Day but for the planet it’s more of a Mayday (from m’aider, French for ‘help me’). In the almost 30 years since this famous photo was taken we haven’t made enough progress to avert a climate crisis. »

Vegan Rum Flapjacks Recipe

To celebrate world vegan day tomorrow (and halloween today) I’ve devised this completely plant-based flapjack recipe. I’m no Rahul but I’ve bake-tested it and, although I may not get a handshake, I’ve confirmed that it won’t last long (even though it keeps well). »